Psalm 101:2-3a " I will be careful to lead a blameless life-- when will you come to me? I will walk in my house with blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing."
We need to consider carefully that which we allow to contaminate our minds. Many people choose to allow the things of the world to dilute the way they look at sin. People say that going to a party where people are getting drunk is okay, as long as you're staying sober. Not true. The world wants us to believe that getting attached to material things such as games, expensive cars, fancy wardrobes, etc. is a normal thing, and therefore it is an okay thing to do. Anything that takes our focus off of God is detrimental. But everyone else is doing it - why shouldn't I? One of the most tender subjects for teenagers is sexuality. The world tells us sex before marriage is ok, as long as no one gets hurt. Truth is, someone always... gets... hurt. If not physically, emotionally; if not emotionally, spiritually. "I will set before my eyes no vile thing..." Guys, are you allowing your minds to be taken off of God and swept away by fantasies? By the same token, are you girls dressing in such a way that you are causing the guys to be drawn away and tempted? As the body of believers, we are called to build eachother up in Christ - not to make each other stumble.
Consider carefully the things that make up your living space - what do you involve yourself in on a daily basis that would be considered a "vile thing?" What the world considers to be honorable is a twisted, evil deception. The world is Satan's playground. That delicious candy bar he wags in front of your face is really full of rocks; but you won't know that until it's in your mouth. Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves. Don't let the world carry you away from Christ. Don't go along with what the world is doing. We are called to be set apart.